Workers Compensation
Are you looking for a worker’s comp settlement calculator? Well in this video I’m going to show you how to calculate a worker’s comp settlement value.
The number one question we are getting on worker’s comp cases is what’s my case worth?
Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest questions no one can tell you the value of your case without knowing the details of the cases o there are four pieces of information that I always tell people who are looking for a workers comp settlement calculator that we need to know before we can tell them the ballpark value of their case the first bit of information that we need to evaluate a workers comp cases is time off work. In other words how much time have you had off work already and have you already been paid for the time that you were off work. This is important to know because under workers comp your employer holds you about two-thirds of your salary if you’re missing work with the doctor’s note. If there’s a large amount of backpay that sold then you can generally settle your case for a lot more money.
The second-bit information we need to know is what part or parts of your body you heard and whether you fully recovered or whether you’re still having serious problems with continued medical care and what kind of treatment did you get. was it a few visits to the doctor or did you have multiple surgeries obviously the more medical care you had and the more serious the injuries the more valuable your cases
The third bid of information that we need to know to evaluate a worker’s comp cases whether your doctor released you to full duty work so that you could return to your old job or do you have a permanent work restriction? If the injuries you sustained at work mean you can never go back to your old job, the case is probably worth a lot more money but if your doctor released you for full duty work and you were able to return to your old job without any problems your case is still valuable just worth less money.
The fourth thing we need to know is how much money you made per hour and how many hours a week did you work. That’s because unlike other kinds of injury cases like car accidents, fall downs, nursing home abuse, and dog bites work injuries are governed by the Workers Compensation Act. Under the Act, the injuries are evaluated based on a number of weeks of work. That’s really all the guidance we can give you in an article o that you can have a good idea about what your case might be worth but the last thing I’ll tell you is that in my experience having a knowledgeable workers comp attorney is the number one thing you can do to maximize the value of your case.
If you have more questions we offer a no-obligation consultation. You can call our office at 213-401-4012.
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